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Prueba privada : Domingo Ortega y José Suarez : Private Screening of "Limelight" in Madrid, 16 Ap...
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Exterior Roominghouse : Calvero, children and barrel organ player
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Calvero as the Animal Trainer
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Calvero and Terry in Calvero's Living Room
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Portrait of Claire Bloom
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Claire Bloom
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Estreno : Sr. Gisbert (Publicista) y Sra., al fondo Mr. Ornstein = Mr. and Mrs. Gisbert (Publicis...
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Estreno : Ferman, locutor de Radio Madrid y Sra. = Mr. and Mrs. Ferman, broadcaster of Radio Madr...
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Death of Columbine
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Set Empire Theatre : interiors
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Empire Theatre: rehearsal
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Chaplin sul set del teatro
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Charlie Chaplin, clown in Death of Columbine
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Calvero's landing : Calvero and Mrs. Alsop
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Costume fittings ? male characters
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Calvero talking to Terry / Florence Homolka
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Calvero on the set / Florence Homolka
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Calvero's living room : Calvero and Terry talk, Terry is knitting
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Calvero and Keaton Routine
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Costume fitting, children ? Terry's childhood
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Calvero's room : Calvero performs with Trio
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Calvero as the Tramp Comedian
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Terry as a child in front of hat shop
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Terry auditioning
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Terry gets out of the car
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Calvero in the dressing room with Postant
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Claire Bloom wearing a long skirt and a blouse
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