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Snowy Baker having tea with Charlie Chaplin at Chaplin Studios, 1919

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Snowy Baker visits Chaplin Studios, 1919

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Snowy Baker visits Chaplin Studios, 1919

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Snowy Baker visits Chaplin Studios, 1919

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Charles Chaplin before a crowd during his Liberty Loan Tour

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

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Charles Chaplin speaking to a crowd during his Liberty Loan Tour

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

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Charles Chaplin and Ted "Kid" Lewis

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Charles Chaplin salutes Harold Peat. Louisa Peat smiles

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Charles Chaplin and Morris Greenhill on the set of "The Kid" (Mr Greenhill secured rights to UA f...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Major Ian Hay Beith and Charlie Chaplin on the dance hall set of A Dog's Life, February 1918

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Jesse Lasky, Major Ian Hay Beith (author of "the First Five Hundred Thousand") and Charlie Chapli...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Jesse Lasky, Major Ian Hay Beith (author of "the First Five Hundred Thousand") and Charlie Chapli...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Jesse Lasky, Major Ian Hay Beith (author of "the First Five Hundred Thousand") and Charlie Chapli...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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On the set of The Immigrant, Chaplin and Bhai Suchet Singh, June 1917

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Al Jolson visits Charlie Chaplin on the set of A Day’s Pleasure, 1919

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Al Jolson visits Charlie Chaplin on the set of A Day’s Pleasure, 1919

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Chaplin with Charles Schwab and Mrs. Schwab, c.1919

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Charles Chaplin with Leslie Stuart

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Chaplin with the Vicomte de Fenelon, a French viscount

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Charlie Chaplin with W. Barrington Miller

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Left to right: Arthur Letts, Alexander Murray, 8th Earl of Dunmore and Charlie Chaplin, 1918

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Well Known People / 1918c_DFSr-CC-Mys...  

Douglas Fairbanks, Frederica Hawks and Charlie Chaplin, circa 1919. From the collections of the M...

©Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Well Known People / 1922c_Doug-and-Ch...  

Charlie Chaplin and Douglas Fairbanks on Fairbanks' set for "Robin Hood", circa 1922. From the co...

©Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

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Charlie Chaplin and Max Linder

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Charles Chaplin & Isaac Stern posing with tennis rackets

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Charles Chaplin & Hanns Eisler, Manoir de Ban terrace

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Charles Chaplin & Hanns Eisler, Manoir de Ban terrace

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

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Autographed photograph of Charlie Chaplin, guest at La Scala Theatre, with the lead dancers of th...


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Jean Cocteau and Charles Chaplin in the south of France, c. 1957


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International News Photos caption reads "Chaplin visited by actress friend - Vevey, Switzerland ....

©International News Photos