Attending Hollywood premiere : Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chaplin as they arrived fir the World premier...
Angkor : Vat Hidden city of a lost civilisation in the heart of the jungle ; Angkor Thom : Resort...
Charles Chaplin and Horace Rumbold walk up the stairs of the Metropol Theatre in Berlin / Verlag ...
Charles Chaplin signs autographs with Sydney Chaplin, May Reeves, Boris Evelinoff and Carlyle Rob...
Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard and other on the "SS President Coolidge" ; Charles Chaplin and ...
Moses Rothman, Nicholas Sistovaris, Charles, Oona and Josephine Chaplin in the hall of the Sala d...
Photo shows left to right, Mr. Fay Allport, Mr. Sam Eckman, Mr. Bob Wolff, Mr. Charles Chaplin an...
Inukai Takeru Charles e Sydney Chaplin wearing a dark kimono, Hanacho restaurant / Mitsukoshi LTD
People walk out of the restaurant whrere they had lunch with Aristide Briand and Charles Chaplin ...
Varna, Bulgaria : scalinata di accesso alla spiaggia, la spiaggia, il mare
"City Lights" at the party given by Mr. Chaplin at the Carlton Hotel after his first night. Mr. C...
Michel Détroyat, Henri Cochet, Charlie Chaplin & Martin Plâa on the tennis court, Biarritz, 1931 ...
Charles Chaplin, Sydney Chaplin and Kono on board of the "Suwa Maru" / Fotografia Carbone e Danno
Charles Chaplin and other people at the end of a lunch on the terrace / Roger Wood Studio
Carla Fracci, Vladimir Vasiliev, Massimo Bogianckino and Gianmatteo Matteotti meet Charles Chapli...