Angkor : Vat Hidden city of a lost civilisation in the heart of the jungle ; Angkor Thom : Resort...
The perfect chaperone : Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard and the Governor of the Philippines, Mu...
Charles Chaplin holding a tennis racket, Sydney Chaplin, May Reeves and Carlyle Robinson / Louven...
Charles Chaplin coming out of the hotel with Oona, before being made a Knight of the British Empi...
Charles Chaplin in Berlin : Unser Bild zeigt Charlie Chaplin nach seiner Ankunft im Hotel Adlon, ...
Enroute to Indo China : aboard the "Aramis" ; Saigon ; Hanoi ; Cambodia ; Tourane ; Annam ; Moeys...
Charlie Chaplin arrives. Charlie Chaplin the famous comedian arrives at Waterloo on the Queen Eli...
Charles Chaplin, Sydney Chaplin and Boris Evelinoff surrounded by crowd outside their hotel in Na...
The ... Dragon, the little "Thébaïde" ; Hongay, Port Courbet ; Into the "Three Circus"
Angkor : Vat Hidden city of a lost civilisation in the heart of the jungle ; Angkor Thom : Resort...
Charlie Chaplin arrives. Charlie Chaplin the famous comedian arrives at Waterloo on the Queen Eli...
Charles Chaplin in his room at the Adlon Hotel / Deutscher Photo-Dienst ; Keystone View Company
Backgammon games on the Panacea ; Alistair Cooke on the Panacea ; Paulette Goddard ; Side of the ...
Backgammon games on the Panacea ; Alistair Cooke on the Panacea ; Paulette Goddard ; Side of the ...
Backgammon games on the Panacea ; Alistair Cooke on the Panacea ; Paulette Goddard ; Side of the ...
Charles Chaplin greets the crowd assembled at night with candles outside the Nobel hotel in Oslo
The perfect chaperone : Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard and the Governor of the Philippines, Mu...
Charles Chaplin in Berlin : Chaplin wird von der begeisterten Menge auf die ... gehoben, bei sein...