The Studios / 070_CCstudio15.jpg
CC digging at corner of La Brea and De Longpre Avenues
The Studios / 072_CCstudio10.jpg
Chaplin standing by sand and stone piles for cement
The Studios / 067_CCstudio8.jpg
Charlie Chaplin, left, during building of Chaplin Studios. 2nd left-right, John Jasper, Henry Ber...
Well Known People / 055_211.jpg
Chaplin with Charles Schwab and Mrs. Schwab, c.1919
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Chaplin with the Vicomte de Fenelon, a French viscount
Left to right: Arthur Letts, Alexander Murray, 8th Earl of Dunmore and Charlie Chaplin, 1918
Chaplin family portrait on their 1972 Christmas card by Yves Debraine. Back row left to right: Jo...
Well Known People / 1918c_DFSr-CC-Mys...
Douglas Fairbanks, Frederica Hawks and Charlie Chaplin, circa 1919. From the collections of the M...
Well Known People / 1922c_Doug-and-Ch...
Charlie Chaplin and Douglas Fairbanks on Fairbanks' set for "Robin Hood", circa 1922. From the co...
The Chaplin family, circa 1975, Manoir de Ban, Switzerland. Back row: Jane, Eugene, Josephine, Ch...
Charlie Chaplin behind tree. "Chaplin calls this 'hiding from McCarthy'", Switzerland, 1960s
Jerry Epstein, Vivi Crespi, Charles Chaplin & his wife Oona in the Manoir de Ban dining room