Well Known People / CC_x250_NEG.jpg  

Jesse Lasky, Major Ian Hay Beith (author of "the First Five Hundred Thousand") and Charlie Chapli...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Well Known People / 058_50_20X.jpg  

Major Ian Hay Beith and Charlie Chaplin on the dance hall set of A Dog's Life, February 1918

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Well Known People / 059_51_19X.jpg  

Jesse Lasky, Major Ian Hay Beith (author of "the First Five Hundred Thousand") and Charlie Chapli...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Well Known People / 057_1unnumbered.jpg  

Jesse Lasky, Major Ian Hay Beith (author of "the First Five Hundred Thousand") and Charlie Chapli...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Well Known People / 060_49.jpg  

Jesse Lasky, Major Ian Hay Beith (author of "the First Five Hundred Thousand") and Charlie Chapli...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.