Charles Chaplin, Horace Rumbold with the cast of the Metropol Theatre show in Berlin / Pressphoto...
Charles Chaplin, Ed Knoblock, Marguerita Namara and another man on the deck of a ship
Charles Chaplin walks out of the restaurant where he had lunch with Aristide Briand / Keystone Vi...
Boris Evelinoff, Carlyle Robinson, Minnie Chaplin, Frank J. Gould, Charles Chaplin, Florence Goul...
Charles and Oona Chaplin arrive on a car at the Sala della Balla at Castello Sforzesco / Photogra...
Charles Chaplin and Horace Rumbold on stage at the Metropol Theatre in Berlin / Verlag Scherl
Charles Chaplin and Isidor Goldschmidt arrive at the Adlon Hotel in Berlin / Pressphotograph B. A...
Avalon : Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Franklyn Ardell and Norma Shearer on the "Invader" ne...
Charles and Oona Chaplin in the central box of the Teatro della Scala in Milan after a ballet / F...
Charles Chaplin, Carl Mannerfelt, Ragnar Svanström and Victoria Chaplin in the hall of the Royal ...
Charles Chaplin and journalists at a press conference in Paris / Keystone View Company
Angkor : Vat Hidden city of a lost civilisation in the heart of the jungle ; Angkor Thom : Resort...
Charles Chaplin with a flower garland posing with a man with a moustache on the deck of a ship
Angkor : Vat Hidden city of a lost civilisation in the heart of the jungle ; Angkor Thom : Resort...
Jean Pierre Beltoise Bon anniversaire Charlie…Charlie Chaplin. Combien tu nous as fait rire Et c...
Angkor : Vat Hidden city of a lost civilisation in the heart of the jungle ; Angkor Thom : Resort...
Bali! : topless girls ; The Sacred Forest : Paulette Goddard and local girls playing with monkeys...
Carla Fracci, Vladimir Vasiliev, Massimo Bogianckino and Gianmatteo Matteotti meet Charles Chapli...