Great Dictator / gd_pub_148.jpg  

The Jewish barber and Hannah in the courtyard on the ghetto set / Max Munn Autrey

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / dictator.Output00...  

Freeze frame of The Great Dictator coulour footage filmed by Sydney Chaplin in 1939. Reginald G...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / dictator.Output00...  

Freeze frame of The Great Dictator coulour footage filmed by Sydney Chaplin in 1939. Chaplin in...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / ROY60.jpg  

Screen capture: Final speech from The Great Dictator

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / ROY63.jpg  

Screen capture: Final speech from The Great Dictator

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / ROY66.jpg  

Screen capture: Final speech from The Great Dictator

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / ROY68.jpg  

Screen capture: Final speech from The Great Dictator

©Roy Export SAS

Gold Rush / Gold_Rush_311X.jpg  

Charles Chaplin in makeup session

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / Gold_Rush_316x.jpg  

Mountain set : Chaplin shooting on location

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_269.jpg  

Chilkoot Pass set (location) : A Lone Prospector

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_1010.jpg  

Interior drawing room : Charlie looks at picture of Georgia

©Roy Export SAS

Gold Rush / gr_246.jpg  

Chaplin on Chicken sequence set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_0126.jpg  

Cabin Interior : Charlie at window covered with snow

©Roy Export SAS

Gold Rush / gr_0008.jpg  

Your Laughter Cue for '42 : Charlie Chaplin in "The Gold Rush" / Unknown

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_2_11_25.jpg  

Cabin interior

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_0152.jpg  

Inside Cabin : Charlie eats bone from box

©Roy Export SAS

Gold Rush / gr_0113.jpg  

Chaplin and Georgia Hale holding a gun

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_115.jpg  

Mountain set : Chaplin shooting on location

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_44.jpg  

Cabin interior : Charles Chaplin sitting by the table

©Roy Export SAS

Gold Rush / gr_729.jpg  

Hank's cabin exterior

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_644.jpg  

New Year's Eve sequence : Charlie by window outside Dance Hall

©Roy Export SAS

Gold Rush / gr_233.jpg  

Charles Chaplin on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_228.jpg  

Charles Chaplin and crew taking a break on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_0149.jpg  

Cabin interior : Chaplin sitting at the table

©Roy Export SAS

Gold Rush / gr_654.jpg  

Chaplin on Dance Hall set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_80.jpg  

Cabin Interior : Big Jim threatens Charlie with knife

©Roy Export SAS

Gold Rush / gr_130.jpg  

Charles Chaplin in makeup session

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_780.jpg  

Hank's cabin exterior

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_566.jpg  

Dance Hall floor : Charlie and Georgia dancing

©Roy Export SAS

Gold Rush / gr_239.jpg  

Chaplin on Chicken sequence set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_0127.jpg  

Cabin Interior : Charlie and Big Jim starving seated at table

©Roy Export SAS

Gold Rush / gr_134.jpg  

Charles Chaplin with Tramp costume on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_638.jpg  

Chaplin and crew on New Year's Eve set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_584.jpg  

Dance Hall floor : Charlie and Georgia dancing

©Roy Export SAS

Gold Rush / gr_905.jpg  

Exterior street : Charlie shovelling snow

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_487.jpg  

Charles Chaplin on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.