Claire Bloom on the radio show "Cara al Pùblico" with host Boby Deglané / Martin Caminos
Estreno : El locutor Ferman, interrogando a Ruben Rojo ante los micròfonos de Radio Madrid = Ferm...
Prueba privada : D. Pedro Rodrigo (diario Madrid), Luis Gòmez Mesa (diario Arriba), y José Luis G...
Limelight : Passers-by in Düsseldorf seem to be very interested in the Limelight Melody, played b...
Claire Bloom on the radio show "Cara al Pùblico" with host Boby Deglané / Martin Caminos
Estreno : D. Miguel Herrero (Producciones Ariel), D. Francisco Fernandez (Censura) = Miguel Herre...