Circus / cir_63.jpg  

Tight rope sequence with monkeys

©Roy Export SAS

Circus / cir_0335.jpg  

Charlie eating baby's hot dog

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Circus / cir_513.jpg  

Charlie begins to undress ; monkeys baks at him

©Roy Export SAS

Circus / cir_0039.jpg  

Merna Kennedy and Betty Morrissey sitting on a car

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Misc / misc_0025.jpg  

Notice relative à la vente, pour cause de liquidation de succession, de la propiété Le Manoir de ...

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Misc / misc_0014.jpg  

Kennington Park / Charles Chaplin

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Misc / misc_0177.jpg  

Screening of "The Great Dictator" in Paris : Gaumont Palace


Misc / misc_0213.jpg  

The Chaplin family : Oona, Geraldine, Michael, Josephine, Victoria / Florence Homolka

©Florence Homolka

Misc / misc_0216.jpg  

Michael Chaplin / Florence Homolka

©Florence Homolka

Misc / misc_0226.jpg  

The Chaplin family : Oona, Geraldine, Michael / Florence Homolka

©Florence Homolka

Misc / misc_00210.jpg  

Charles Chaplin as the Tramp

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Misc / misc_0223.jpg  

The Chaplin family : Oona, Geraldine, Michael, Josephine, Victoria / Florence Homolka

©Florence Homolka

Misc / CC_Peggy_Hopkins_...  

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Misc / ROY43.jpg  

Portrait of Oona with shawl in garden

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Essanays / by_the_sea_essana...  

by the sea essanay 4

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Essanays / essanay_0008.jpg  

Back view of the Essanay Western Studio

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Sydney Chaplin / syd_0175.jpg  

Sydney Chaplin / Relph & Co.

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Actress / act_0013.jpg  

Lita Grey with long lace dress, shawl and hat

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Actress / act_0017.jpg  

Lita Grey with flounce dress and shawl

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Well Known People / x151.jpg  

Charles Chaplin and Winston Churchill


Well Known People / x27.jpg  

Clare Sheridan working on Charles Chaplin's bust

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Well Known People / x0121.jpg  

Charles Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Alfred Reeves, H.O. Stechan, Herbert M. Horkheimer, Al Gilmore, L...

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Well Known People / x342.jpg  

Charles Chaplin and Konrad Bercovici on "The Gold Rush" set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Travelling / pt_662.jpg  

Angkor : Vat Hidden city of a lost civilisation in the heart of the jungle ; Angkor Thom : Resort...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Travelling / trav_0156.jpg  

Charles and Oona Chaplin sitting at theatre


Travelling / cc_jap_103.jpg  

Trip to Japan : Charles Chaplin and Paulette Goddard at dinner with a geisha girl

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Travelling / trav_0209.jpg  

Charles Chaplin surrounded by crowd in Vienna / Lothar Rübelt

©Lothar Rübelt

Travelling / trav_0071.jpg  

The Chaplin family / Agip, Robert Cohen


Travelling / trav_4983.jpg  

Charles e Sydney Chaplin per le strade innevate di St. Moritz

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Travelling / pt_613.jpg  

Trip to Japan : Charles Chaplin and Paulette Goddard with Kabuki actors

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Travelling / trav_0176.jpg  

Crowd waiting for Charles Chaplin on the street / Pressephotograph B. A. Balassa ; Gerhard Friedl...

©Gerhard Friedländer

Travelling / pt_161.jpg  

Japan ; Tempura dinner

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Travelling / trav_0308.jpg  

Charles and Sydney Chaplin at the table with other people in Singapore

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Travelling / trav_0181.jpg  

Charles Chaplin taking tea with Mrs. Grzesinski, Chief of Police Albert Grzesinski and vice-presi...

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

The Studios / studios_0025.jpg  

Charles Chaplin on scaffolding

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Oscars / osc_0011.jpg  

osc 0011

©Candice Bergen