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Tea break on the set of Sunnyside.: Rollie Totheroh, Albert Austin, Charlie Chaplin, Loyal Underw...
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Charlie Chaplin reading behind cows on a country road
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4 nymphs on bridge, Charlie Chaplin asleep below
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Charlie Chaplin holding a book meets a farmer woman who is kneeling with her head over a bucket
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People rushing out of church. Charlie Chaplin in front of crowd.
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Cow jumps out of barn. Charlie Chaplin and church in the background.
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Loyal Underwood with glasses, beard and hat
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Chaplin with Tom Wood and actresses on the set of Sunnyside, 1918
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Charlie Chaplin drives horse and cart
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Charlie Chaplin cutting Edward Biby's hair
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Outtake: barbershop scene with Albert Austin
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4 nymphs on bridge, Charlie Chaplin below
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Charlie Chaplin follows cows down country road, back view
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Country road : Charlie walking along behind two head of cattle, reading his Bible