Gold Rush / Gold_Rush_106.jpg
Chaplin and Lita Grey on location
Gold Rush / Gold_Rush_296.jpg
Chaplin shooting on platform (location)
Gold Rush / Gold_Rush_226_Aca...
Mountain set : Chaplin shooting on location
Misc / how_to_make_movie...
how to make movies chaplin and comedians
Modern Times / mt_pub_58.jpg
Chaplin directing
City Lights / cl_0281.jpg
Opening Scene : Chaplin on statue directing
Great Dictator / gd_pub_123.jpg
Charles Chaplin and Rollie Totheroh behind the camera on the the set of the battlefield sequence
Gold Rush / gr_0025.jpg
Charles Chaplin on the set in the snow
Gold Rush / gr_799.jpg
Pawn shop
Keystones / keystone_0018.jpg
Mack Sennett on the set of a film
Gold Rush / gr_129x.jpg
Charles Chaplin in makeup session
Gold Rush / gr_0063.jpg
Chaplin behind the camera
Circus / cir_336.jpg
Charlie in lion's cage
Keystones / cc_with_d.w._grif...
Charlie, Griffith, Ince on Keystone stage
Well Known People / x158.jpg
Charles Chaplin, Winston Churchill, Ambassador Moore and Alfred Reeves on the set
Modern Times / Modern_Times_pub_...
Modern Times / mt_pub_72.jpg
Limelight / lime_66bis.jpg
Charles Chaplin behind the camera
City Lights / cl_0284.jpg
City Lights / cl_0241.jpg
Statue set
City Lights / cl_0446.jpg
Charles Chaplin behind the camera on the set
Great Dictator / gd_pub_32.jpg
Gold Rush / gr_792.jpg
Mining town : exterior by Elizaroff Photos
Chaplin on the set
City Lights / cl_0376.jpg
Blind Girl's home exterior : courtyard and stairs
Great Dictator / gd_pub_30.jpg
Gold Rush / gr_0030.jpg
Portion of cabin mounted on the side of a car
Gold Rush / gr_0061.jpg
Chaplin behind the camera on platform
Gold Rush / gr_489.jpg
Cabin set on stage
Idle Class / Idle_Class_Shooti...
idle class shooting
Circus / cir_355.jpg
Circus / cir_353.jpg
Well Known People / x389.jpg
Charles Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford and Oscar Price
Great Dictator / gd_pub_27.jpg