Douglas Fairbanks Jr (on left), next to him band leader Paul Whiteman, Charlie Murray behind Char...
Charles Chaplin, Alice Lloyd and Alfred Reeves, Mr & Mrs Jimmie Nervo, Daisy Hyams & 1 other (pre...
Mr Gavazzi King and Cinema Exhibitors Association British delegates to Milwaukee Convention inclu...
Charles Chaplin, Ambassador Moore and Betty Nuthall on the tennis court
Charlie Chaplin and Prince Axel Christian Georg of Denmark on the set of Sunnyside, 1919
Left to right: Vice-Admiral Sir Ernest Augustus Taylor CMG CVO, unidentified man (2nd left), Doug...
Charles Chaplin, Albert Einstein and Elsa Löwenthal at "City Lights" premiére
Charles Chaplin, Sam Goldwyn, Raquel Meller, Max Reinhardt and Paul Leni on the set of "The Circus"
Charles Chaplin, Alice Lloyd and Alfred Reeves, Mr & Mrs Jimmie Nervo, Daisy Hyams & 1 other (pre...
Charles Chaplin, Samuel Goldwyn and others during tea break on the set of "The Circus"
Left to right: An unidentified woman (perhaps Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt), Charles Chaplin and Lita...