Charles and Sydney Chaplin, Kono, Mrs. Haruko Mogi and Shioyoshi, captain of the Suwamaru, wearin...
Charles Chaplin, Sydney Chaplin and Kono on board of the "Suwa Maru" / Fotografia Carbone e Danno
Charles Chaplin, Sydney Chaplin and Kono on board of the "Suwa Maru" / Fotografia Carbone e Danno
Mizutani Chikushi, Miztuani Yaeko (Japanese actress), Ushihara Kiyohiko, Kono and Charles Chaplin
Kono, Douglas Fairbanks, Henry Bergman, Alfred Reeves and Japanese visitors on the "City Lights" set
Douglas Fairbanks, Henry Bergman, Alfred Reeves, Virginia Cherrill and Japanese visitors on the "...
Charles Chaplin, Sydney Chaplin and Kono on board of the "Suwa Maru" / Fotografia Carbone e Danno
Inukai Takeru, Toraichi Kono, Charles e Sydney Chaplin wearing a dark kimono, Hanacho restaurant ...