Misc / ROY12.jpg  

Jerry Epstein, Vivi Crespi, Charlie Chaplin & his wife Oona in the Manoir de Ban dining room

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Misc / ROY40.jpg  

Portrait of Oona Chaplin

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Misc / ROY42.jpg  

Portrait of Oona by NY photographer - Profile


Misc / ROY119.jpeg  

Sir Charles Chaplin named Commander of the order of the Taj. The medal was presented by Iranian A...

©Hans Keusen

Misc / ROY120.jpeg  

Sir Charles Chaplin named Commander of the order of the Tadj (Taj). The medal was presented by Ir...

©Hans Keusen

Misc / ROY121.jpeg  

Sir Charles Chaplin named Commander of the order of the Tadj (Taj). The medal was presented by Ir...

©Hans Keusen

Misc / ROY162.jpeg  

press clipping of Oona O'Neill in The New York Times Magazine, page 31, 21 June 1942. Caption rea...


Misc / ROY163.jpeg  

press clipping: Oona O'Neill on the cover of PM's Weekly PICTURE NEWS, April 19, 1942, as No. 1 Deb


Misc / ROY164.jpeg  

press clipping: Oona O'Neill on page 14 of PM's Weekly PICTURE NEWS, April 19, 1942. Caption read...


Countess of Hong Kong / countess_106.jpg  

Charles, Oona and Sydney Chaplin on the ship set


Countess of Hong Kong / countess_0051.jpg  

Charles, Kay-Kay, Oona, Christopher, Jane Chaplin on the set


Countess of Hong Kong / countess_304.jpg  

Charles, Oona, Sydney, Christopher Chaplin and Sophia Loren on the set


Countess of Hong Kong / countess_98.jpg  

Oona Chaplin on the set


Countess of Hong Kong / countess_137.jpg  

Charles, Oona, Sydney and Victoria Chaplin, Sophia Loren, Melanie Griffith, Tippi Hedren at Charl...


Countess of Hong Kong / countess_170.jpg  

Charles, Oona, Sydney and Victoria Chaplin, Sophia Loren, Melanie Griffith, Tippi Hedren at Charl...


Countess of Hong Kong / countess_0021.jpg  

Charles and Oona Chaplin at a party


Countess of Hong Kong / countess_0047.jpg  

Charles, Oona and Sydney Chaplin on the ship set


Countess of Hong Kong / countess_0049.jpg  

Charles and Oona Chaplin walking, London


Countess of Hong Kong / countess_114.jpg  

Charles and Oona Chaplin walking, London


Countess of Hong Kong / countess_117.jpg  

Charles and Oona Chaplin walking, London


Countess of Hong Kong / 305.jpg  

Charles, Oona, Sydney, Christopher Chaplin and Sophia Loren on the set


Countess of Hong Kong / countess_0055.jpg  

Charles, Oona, Sydney, Christopher Chaplin and Sophia Loren on the set


Countess of Hong Kong / countess_107.jpg  

Charles, Oona, Sydney, Christopher Chaplin and Sophia Loren on the set


Countess of Hong Kong / countess_0056.jpg  

Oona Chaplin on the set


Countess of Hong Kong / countess_171.jpg  

Oona Chaplin on the set


Countess of Hong Kong / countess_0054.jpg  

Charles, Oona, Sydney, Christopher Chaplin and Sophia Loren on the set


Well Known People / x0267.jpg  

Charles Chaplin dancing with his wife Oona O'Neill and other women in a garden in the South of Fr...

©Gérald Maurois

Travelling / trav_0407.jpg  

On other side of screen now Paris : Enjoying a busman's holiday, oldtime film comedian Charlie Ch...

©United Press

Travelling / trav_0418.jpg  

Charles and Oona Chaplin, Rachel Ford and Moses Rothman at the theatre surrounded by policemen an...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Travelling / trav_0059.jpg  

Charles and Oona Chaplin having breakfast with Moses Rothman and others at the hotel / Photograph...

©Aldo Cavaliere

Travelling / trav_0388.jpg  

Charles and Oona Chaplin dancing in a club / Paris Match

©Paris Match

Travelling / trav_0084.jpg  

Bulganin meets Chaplin / Reuter Photos ; Intercontinentale A.F.P

©Intercontinentale A.F.P.

Travelling / trav_0058.jpg  

Charles, Oona and Josephine Chaplin and Nicholas Sistovaris having lunch after the Mayor's speech...

©Aldo Cavaliere

Travelling / trav_0148002.jpg  

Their sensational romance a thing of the past, Oona and Charlie Chaplin have settled down to bein...


Travelling / trav_0332.jpg  

CC and Mme Pompidou Geraldine and Oona


Travelling / trav_0133.jpg  

Charles Chaplin coming out of the hotel with Oona, before being made a Knight of the British Empi...

©Tait Sygma