R Documents / rdocs_r7.jpg  

Letter 16 March 1931 to H. D. Buckley / R. G. Hilton##Letter 18 March 1931 to R. G. Hilton / H. D...


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Letter 16 March 1931 to H. D. Buckley / R. G. Hilton##Letter 18 March 1931 to R. G. Hilton / H. D...


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Letter 16 March 1931 to H. D. Buckley / R. G. Hilton##Letter 18 March 1931 to R. G. Hilton / H. D...


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A Samaritan at Large by Lota W. Case


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Four texts by Valfredo della China


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Letter 1931 January 11, Hollywood to Charles Chaplin / Horace Beckley Williams


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Statement / Louis B. Mayer, Chaplin-Mayer pictures


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Certificate / The Southern California Liberty Loan State Central Committee


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Copyright certificates of "Modern Times" script and film / Library of Congress


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Copyright certificates of "Modern Times" script and film / Library of Congress


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Copyright certificates of "Modern Times" script and film / Library of Congress


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Take Charlie's tip

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

R Documents / rdocs_r58.jpg  

Letter 1918 December 20, New York to Grobe & Noble / R. H. C., First National Exchange


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Letter 1917 May 19, New York to Charles Chaplin / John Freuler


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A First National Picture


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Notice / Los Angeles Examiner ; Los Angeles Times


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Coat of arms of the Chaplin family


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Letter 16 March 1931 to H. D. Buckley / R. G. Hilton##Letter 18 March 1931 to R. G. Hilton / H. D...


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Text by Marie Riedl


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Letter 1931 March 28, New York to Chaplin Studios / D. P. Mone, General Talking Pictures Corporation


R Documents / rdocs_r26.jpg  

Copyright certificates of "Modern Times" script and film / Library of Congress


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Letter 1916 August 23, New York to Sydney Chaplin / John Freuler, Mutual Film Corporation


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Cheque to Charles Chaplin / New York Hippodrome


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©Candice Bergen

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©Candice Bergen

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©Candice Bergen

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©Candice Bergen

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©Candice Bergen

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©Candice Bergen

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©Candice Bergen

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©Candice Bergen

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©Candice Bergen

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©Candice Bergen

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©Candice Bergen