The Kid / CC_kid_22.jpg  

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / Modern_Times_pub_...  

Chaplin directing

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

City Lights / City_Lights_Shoot...  

Opening scene : Charlie on statue

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / Modern_Times_PUB_...  

Chaplin on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

The Kid / kid_811.jpg  

Jackie Coogan, Charles Chaplin and Henry Bergman on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / Modern_Times_331_...  

modern times 331 shooting

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / Modern_Times_118.jpg  

Chaplin on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_pub_36_hi_res_...  

Courtyard interior : Hannah in window hits a storm trooper with a pan

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / The_Great_Dictato...  

Paulette Goddard and Charles Chaplin on the set taking a break / Max Munn Autrey

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / Gold_Rush_795.jpg  

Mining town : exterior by Elizaroff Photos

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Circus / Circus_354.jpg  

Charlie in lion's cage

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_244.jpg  

Chaplin on Chicken sequence set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

The Kid / kid_0019.jpg  

Jackie Coogan and Charles Chaplin on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / mt_pub_87.jpg  

Chaplin directing

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Well Known People / x2.jpg  

Douglas Fairbanks and Charles Chaplin on the set of "The Circus"

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / Modern_Times_pub_...  

Chaplin on the set with a group of children / Max Munn Autrey

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / The_Great_Dictato...  

Paulette Goddard embroidering / Max Munn Autrey

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / Gold_Rush_106.jpg  

Chaplin and Lita Grey on location

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Circus / 7-24-26_Circus_se...  

chaplin 24 july 1926 on circus set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / mt_pub_58.jpg  

Chaplin directing

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / Modern_Times_89.jpg  

Chaplin on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Mutual photos / mutual_495.jpg  

Charles Chaplin and Leopold Godowsky on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Circus / Circus_580.jpg  

Magician's act

©Roy Export SAS

Keystones / keystone_0018.jpg  

Mack Sennett on the set of a film

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Modern Times / mt_0337.jpg  

Charlie in the machine's cogs

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

The Kid / kid_0022.jpg  

Jackie Coogan and Charles Chaplin on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Circus / Circus_43.jpg  

Charles Chaplin blindfolded and holding a cigarette is being watched by Robinson Crocker and Henr...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / Modern_Times_Set_...  

Chaplin on the set with a group of children / Max Munn Autrey

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / Modern_Times_pub_...  

Chaplin directing

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / mt_pub_72.jpg  

Chaplin directing

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / mt_pub_138.jpg  

Jackie Coogan visiting the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / mt_0346.jpg  

Machine cogs

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / mt_0341.jpg  

Charlie in the machine's cogs

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Limelight / lime_66bis.jpg  

Charles Chaplin behind the camera

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

City Lights / cl_0466.jpg  

Crew meeting on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

The Kid / kid_0020.jpg  

Jackie Coogan and Charles Chaplin on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.