Charles Chaplin signs autographs with Sydney Chaplin, May Reeves, Boris Evelinoff and Carlyle Rob...
Charles and Sydney Chaplin talking to a tall man with dark hair on the deck of a ship
Charles Chaplin, Sydney Chaplin, May Reeves, Edmond Brua (bow-tie) next to CC, au milieu d'une...
Charles Chaplin and other people at the end of a lunch on the terrace / Roger Wood Studio
Charles Chaplin entertaining guests at lunch, including his wife Oona and Paul Louis Weiller, and...
Enroute to Indo China : aboard the "Aramis" ; Saigon ; Hanoi ; Cambodia ; Tourane ; Annam ; Moeys...
Enroute to Indo China : aboard the "Aramis" ; Saigon ; Hanoi ; Cambodia ; Tourane ; Annam ; Moeys...
Charles, Oona and Josephine Chaplin and Nicholas Sistovaris having lunch after the Mayor's speech...
Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard and Butterfly Wu, Shanghai, China / Krause's News Photos Agency
Bali! : topless girls ; The Sacred Forest : Paulette Goddard and local girls playing with monkeys...
Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard and other on the "SS President Coolidge" ; Charles Chaplin and ...
Bali! : topless girls ; The Sacred Forest : Paulette Goddard and local girls playing with monkeys...
Angkor : Vat Hidden city of a lost civilisation in the heart of the jungle ; Angkor Thom : Resort...
The perfect chaperone : Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard and the Governor of the Philippines, Mu...
La grande première française de "Un Roi à New York" de Charlie Chaplin a eu lieu hier soir au Gau...
Angkor : Vat Hidden city of a lost civilisation in the heart of the jungle ; Angkor Thom : Resort...
Carla Fracci, Vladimir Vasiliev, Massimo Bogianckino and Gianmatteo Matteotti meet Charles Chapli...
Charles Chaplin entertaining guests at lunch, including his wife Oona and Paul Louis Weiller, and...
Varna, Bulgaria : scalinata di accesso alla spiaggia, la spiaggia, il mare
Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard and other on the "SS President Coolidge" ; Charles Chaplin and ...