City Lights / cl_0049.jpg
Virginia Cherrill / Preston Duncan ; Lansing Brown
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Millionaire's living room
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Blind Girl's living room : Charlie enter carrying a bundle
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Flower set : lady and gentleman buying flower from the Blind Girl
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Street sweeper
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River embankment : Charlie pleads with Millionaire
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City Lights / cl_0012.jpg
City Lights / cl_0186.jpg
Boxers and referee on the boxing ring
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City Lights / cl_0118.jpg
Flower set
City Lights / cl_0584.jpg
foto ragazzi alla prima di CL utilizzata nel ritaglio di periodico CH18719
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sosia di Chaplin a una partita di football
City Lights / cl_0156.jpg
Street corner : Charlie picks the cigar up
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Charles Chaplin, Henry Bergman and a man on the set
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City Lights promotional campaign on the streets of Rome / News Blitz Photoreportages
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City Lights / cl_159.jpg
City Lights / cl_0534.jpg
Cafe interior : Charlie eats spaghetti
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Flower set : top-hatted man enters the automobile
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City Lights / cl_0169.jpg
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City Lights / cl_0278.jpg
Opening Scene : Chaplin on statue directing
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City Lights / cl_0494.jpg
Gold Rush / gr_0162.jpg
Cabin interior : Chaplin with a frightened expression
Gold Rush / gr_466.jpg
Charlie and Big Jim inside cabin
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Mining town
Gold Rush / gr_210.jpg
Cabin exterior : Charlie with dog
Gold Rush / gr_411.jpg
Set under construction
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Dance Hall interior : Jack with Georgia's Friends
Gold Rush / gr_254.jpg
Charles Chaplin shaking a tree
Gold Rush / gr_631.jpg
Dance Hall set : Chaplin by stairs
Gold Rush / gr_291.jpg
Mountain set : Chaplin shooting on location
Gold Rush / gr_880.jpg
Sled dogs near a tent