Gold Rush / gr_381.jpg
Extras in ski clothing
Gold Rush / gr_852.jpg
Charles Chaplin and Mack Swain sitting on a rock
Gold Rush / gr_287.jpg
Cabin exterior
Gold Rush / gr_253.jpg
Charles Chaplin shaking a tree
Gold Rush / gr_398.jpg
Charlie as a chicken runs away from Big Jim in the snow
Gold Rush / gr_228.jpg
Charles Chaplin and crew taking a break on the set
Gold Rush / gr_323.jpg
Chilkoot Pass set : Here Lies Jim Sourdough on this spot got lost in the snow
Gold Rush / gr_0132.jpg
Interior Cabin : Charlie, Big Jim and Black Larsen with rifle
Gold Rush / gr_0144.jpg
Chaplin eats the bone with the dog and Black Larsen
Gold Rush / gr_554.jpg
Dance Hall interior : Charlie, Georgia and Jack by orchestra
Gold Rush / gr_786.jpg
Mining town
Gold Rush / gr_17.jpg
Charles Chaplin moves inside the cabin
Gold Rush / gr_489.jpg
Gold Rush / gr_183.jpg
Charlie by cabin door
Gold Rush / gr_114.jpg
Mountain set : Chaplin shooting on location
Gold Rush / gr_205.jpg
Groups of extras
Gold Rush / gr_649.jpg
Chaplin on Dance Hall set
Gold Rush / gr_480.jpg
Chilkoot Pass set (location) : A Lone Prospector
Gold Rush / gr_0033.jpg
Inscription in memory of Jim Sourdough
Gold Rush / gr_0026.jpg
Charles Chaplin on the set in the snow with a dog
Gold Rush / gr_1008.jpg
Steamer : Interior drawing room
Gold Rush / gr_462.jpg
Charlie inside rocking cabin
Gold Rush / gr_8.jpg
Cabin Interior : Black Larsen and Charlie with dog
Gold Rush / gr_59.jpg
Cabin interior : Charles Chaplin sitting by the table
Gold Rush / gr_851.jpg
Gold Rush / gr_800.jpg
Mining town : exterior by Elizaroff Photos
Gold Rush / gr_591.jpg
Dance Hall interior : Charlie and Georgia on dance floor
Gold Rush / gr_84bis.jpg
Chilkoot Pass set (location) : Mountain line
Gold Rush / gr_829.jpg
Exterior street : Charlie shovelling snow
Gold Rush / gr_902.jpg
Big Jim McKay and policemen near a tent
Gold Rush / gr_201.jpg
Charlie enters cabin while snow falls from the roof
Gold Rush / gr_764.jpg
Dance Hall, New Year : Charlie climbs on balcony to Georgia
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Chaplin and Jack by bar table
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Gold Rush / gr_0065.jpg
Miniature snow-covered rock
Gold Rush / gr_481.jpg