Circus / Circus_265.jpg
The Tryout : Charlie laughing and Ringmaster
Idle Class / Idle_Class_14.jpg
The policeman wakes up the Tramp sleeping on a park bench
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Charlie in chariot scene
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The Tryout
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C4 Mt Still 01 00
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The circus ready to leave : Rex, the Girl, Charlie and Ringmaster
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circus 279 black and white photo
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Ringmaster, Charlie and the Girl in performers' assemblage room
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C4 Mt Still 02 00
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Ringmaster slaps Girl, Charlie reacts
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Charlie trying to get stick out of grating : Window dresser in shop window
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Park : Charlie and Man seated on bench
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Circus / Circus_396.jpg
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Group portrait: Mark Marlatt, Girwood Averill, Morgan Hill, William Bogdonoff, Joe Van Meter, Hen...
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Factory President
Modern Times / mt_p_1.jpg
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Millionaire's home : the Millionaire and Charlie enter
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Millionaire's living room
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Idle Class / idle_6.jpg
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Trouble with the Property Men
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Circus / cir_0463.jpg
Ringmaster and the Girl in performers' assemblage room
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