Circus / Circus_615.jpg  

Charlie sitting on box

©Roy Export SAS

Well Known People / x390.jpg  

The founders of United Artists Corporation : Charles Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford, D...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Music / CC_33A.jpg  

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Modern Times / mt_p_147.jpg  

Mechanic caught in the machinery

©Roy Export SAS

Modern Times / mt_p_144.jpg  

Charlie and Mechanic on top of machinery / Max Munn Autrey

©Roy Export SAS

Modern Times / Modern_Times_p_30...  

Charlie and Gamin fight with officers in Cafe

©Roy Export SAS

Modern Times / Modern_Times_193.jpg  

Charlie and Gamin meet outside jail / Max Munn Autrey

©Roy Export SAS

City Lights / cl_0098.jpg  

Charlie standing at fountain

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

The Kid / kid_811.jpg  

Jackie Coogan, Charles Chaplin and Henry Bergman on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

The Kid / kid_10x_FC.jpg  

The Kid colour publicity still, colorized by Jordan J. Lloyd

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / gd_p_54.jpg  

Barber shop exterior : the Jewish barber

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / gd_p_246.jpg  

Globe scene

©Roy Export SAS

Chaplin portraits / CC_119.jpg  

Charles Chaplin as the Tramp

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / Little_Tramp_read...  

Charles Chaplin as the Tramp reading the "Judge's Quarterly"

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Dog's Life / Dog_s_Life_5.jpg  

Charles Chaplin and Mut the dog

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Karno / karno_0070.jpg  

The Fred Karno Comany on the Cairnrona ship heading to the USA : Albert Austin, Albert Williams, ...

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Modern Times / Modern_Times_Set_...  

modern times set 1935 jackie coogan and chaplin

©Roy Export SAS

Modern Times / Modern_Times_PUB_...  

Chaplin on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / mt_pub_75.jpg  

Chaplin in makeup session

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

City Lights / City_Lights_186.jpg  

Blind Girl's living room : Charlie enter carrying a bundle

©Roy Export SAS

City Lights / cl_26.jpg  

River embankment : the Tramp, the Millionaire and the Policeman

©Roy Export SAS

Sunnyside / Sunnyside_CC_and_...  

Country road : Charlie, in delirium, sees visions of girls dancing on bridge

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / gd_p_163.jpg  

Globe scene : Hynkel's office : Hynkel with globe

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / gd_p_146.jpg  

Hynkel's speech

©Roy Export SAS

Chaplin portraits / CC_98.jpg  

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / cc_0023bis.jpg  

Charles Chaplin with checkered bow tie

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Circus / Circus_9.jpg  

Tight rope sequence

©Roy Export SAS

Circus / Circus_360.jpg  

Charlie in lion's cage with Charles Gay, owner of the lion

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Essanays / essanay_003_2.jpg  

Champion, the (1915) : Charles Chaplin in costume and bull dog in the background

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Modern Times / mt_p_78.jpg  

Dream House

©Roy Export SAS

Modern Times / Modern_Times_in_c...  

Charlie in the machine's cogs

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

The Kid / The_Kid.jpg  

the kid

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / gd_pub_174.jpg  

Charles Chaplin with Meredith Willson, July 19th 1940

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / Gold_Rush_30.jpg  

Charles Chaplin in "The Gold Rush" / written, produced and directed by Charles Chaplin ; Unknown

©Roy Export SAS

Chaplin portraits / CC_223.jpg  

Charlie's shoes, cane and hat

©Roy Export Company Ltd.