City Lights / cl_276.jpg
Boxing ring : Charlie and new fighter fight
The Kid / kid_15.jpg
Jackie and tough kid fighting
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Colored boxer picks up horseshoe
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Champion, the (1915) : Charles Chaplin in costume and bull dog in the background
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Charles Chaplin boxing with Mack Swain under the guidance of Kid McCoy
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City Lights / cl_83.jpg
Fight club : Charlie carrying bucket
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Charlie and seconds in boxing ring corner
City Lights / cl_97.jpg
Manager and new fighter approach Charlie
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City Lights / cl_273.jpg
City Lights / cl_275.jpg
City Lights / cl_142.jpg
The Kid / kid_117.jpg
Big brother shoves kid and Jackie out and speaks to Charlie
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Charles Chaplin and Al Baffert on the "City Lights" set
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Charles Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks and Jack Dempsey
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Charles Chaplin in boxer shorts and tank top with Mack Swain on the ring, trained by Kid McCoy
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Charles Chaplin and Harry Mansell simulate a boxing match
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City Lights / cl_96.jpg
Charlie seated on the table showing his amazement at the colored man's activity
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Charlie smiling and acting cute
The Kid / kid_0005.jpg
Charlie's attic exterior : the Woman, Charlie and the Big brother
Gold Rush / gr_678.jpg
Dance Hall interior : Charlie walks in
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Charles Chaplin and Primo Carnera boxing
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City Lights / cl_77.jpg
City Lights / cl_84.jpg
Fight Club : Dressing Room : the Tramp and his opponent put on boxing gloves
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City Lights / cl_285.jpg
City Lights / cl_78.jpg
The Kid / 029_18.jpg
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Charles Chaplin and Ted "Kid" Lewis