A Day's Pleasure / adp_126.jpg
Charles Chaplin instructing the band on a boat
A Day's Pleasure / adp_127.jpg
Charles Chaplin instructing the band on a boat
A Day's Pleasure / adp_0008.jpg
Charles Chaplin putting makeup on one of the musicians
A Day's Pleasure / adp_0010.jpg
Street corner : Charlie unable to move his car on account of tar
A Woman of Paris / awop_11.jpg
The French village, at the station : Marie St. Clair and Jean / Unknown
A Woman of Paris / awop_0057.jpg
The French village, Jean?s home : Jean and his mother / Anonimo
A Woman of Paris / awop_4bis.jpg
The French village, Jean?s home : Jean?s father at the fireplace gives money to mother / Unknown
A Woman of Paris / awop_3bis.jpg
The French village, Jean?s home : Jean?s father at the fireplace gives money to mother / Unknown
Countess of Hong Kong / countess_41.jpg
Charles Chaplin, Marlon Brando, Patrick Cargill and Sophia Loren on the bedroom set
Countess of Hong Kong / countess_43.jpg
Charles Chaplin, Marlon Brando, Patrick Cargill and Sophia Loren on the bedroom set
Countess of Hong Kong / countess_45.jpg
Charles Chaplin, Marlon Brando, Patrick Cargill and Sophia Loren on the bedroom set