City Lights / cl_0326.jpg
Tramp smoking cigar near dustcart
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Millionaire's bedroom
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Apache dance
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Statue Set
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proiezione del film all'Esquire Theatre
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Flower set : nurse with baby carriage
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Exterior of Millionaire's Home
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Immagini promozionali per “City Lights” in Brasile.
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Virginia Cherrill / Preston Duncan ; Lansing Brown
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Millionaire's Living Room : Charlie and Millionaire
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Cafe interior : Charlie eats spaghetti
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The Tramp smoking a cigar
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Charlie Chaplin with Ralph Barton on the set
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Art store : elevator sequence
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Charlie Chaplin with Ralph Barton speaking with a microphone on the set
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Boxers and referee on the boxing ring
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immagini promozionali in Cile
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Flower set : Charlie and the Blind Girl
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River Embankment : Charlie smells a flower
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Charlie trying to get stick out of grating : Messenger boy enters
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Millionaire's living room
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Millionaire's home exterior : Charlie buys flowers
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Manager and new fighter approach Charlie
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Boxing ring : Charlie and new fighter fight
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Street corner : Charlie picks the cigar up
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River embankment : Charlie pleads with Millionaire
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Harry Crocker and Charles Lederer on the set
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Charlie standing at fountain
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sosia di Chaplin a una partita di football
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Charlie Chaplin dancing on the set
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Charlie trying to get stick out of grating : Window dresser inside window
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Virginia Cherrill poses for a portrait holding a dog
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Millionaire's home exterior : Charlie and Millionaire arrive