The Kid / kid_10x.jpg
Charlie and Jackie in the street
The Kid / The_Kid_9-hd.jpg
the kid 9-hd
The Kid / The_Kid_after-sep...
Orphanage Asylum wagon : Charlie and Jackie
The Kid / The_Kid_2.jpg
the kid 2
The Kid / CC_kid_22.jpg
The Kid / CC_kid_Z0058_post...
The Kid postcard, sent to Syd Chaplin from Berlin
The Kid / The_Kid_35.jpg
Charles Chaplin plays the violin and Jackie Coogan listens on a tricycle
The Kid / CC_kid_41.jpg
The Kid / kid_16.jpg
The Kid / kid_20.jpg
Jackie Coogan with star badge pin
The Kid / The_Kid_7.jpg
the kid 7
The Kid / CC_kid_41_NEG.jpg
Jackie Coogan and Charlie Chaplin sitting at a table with a stack of pancakes
The Kid / kid_15.jpg
Jackie and tough kid fighting
The Kid / The_Kid_165.jpg
Orphanage Asylum (County Orphan Asylum) wagon : Charlie and Jackie
The Kid / kid_811.jpg
Jackie Coogan, Charles Chaplin and Henry Bergman on the set
Modern Times / Modern_Times_Set_...
modern times set 1935 jackie coogan and chaplin
The Kid / The_Kid.jpg
the kid
The Kid / The_Kid_4.jpg
The Kid / kid_0023.jpg
Jackie Coogan, Charles Chaplin on a ladder
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CC kid 9 NEG
The Kid / kid_0043.jpg
Charlie's attic interior : Charlie and Jackie eating pancakes
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CC kid 36 NEG
The Kid / kid_0026.jpg
The Kid / the_kid.jpg
The Kid / kid_0019.jpg
Jackie Coogan and Charles Chaplin on the set
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The Kid / kid_165.jpg
The Kid / kid_10.jpg
Jackie Coogan
The Kid / kid_0017.jpg
The Kid / kid_0018.jpg
A Day's Pleasure / adp_0006.jpg
On deck : husband with his wife take Charlie's place on seat
The Kid / CC_kid_Z0048_NEG.jpg
CC kid Z0048 NEG
The Kid / kid_0022.jpg
The Kid / kid_137.jpg
Charles Chaplin with Jackie Coogan, Major general Hunter Liggett and seven other persons
The Kid / kid_117.jpg
Big brother shoves kid and Jackie out and speaks to Charlie