Charlie's attic interior : Policeman and County Orphan Asylum boss try to hold Charlie back
Mutual photos / mutual_0109.jpg
The vagabond recruited to police force
Idle Class / Idle_Class_14.jpg
The policeman wakes up the Tramp sleeping on a park bench
City Lights / City_Lights_31.jpg
River embankment : the Tramp, the Millionaire and the Policeman
Mutual photos / mutual_0108.jpg
The Vagabond recruited to police force knocks down the scourge of Easy Street
Mutual photos / mutual_0107.jpg
The Vagabond recruited to police force faces the scourge of Easy Street / Kaufmann & Fabry
Mutual photos / mutual_0093.jpg
The escaped convict chased by warders
Mutual photos / mutual_0095.jpg
The escaped convict chased by warders
Modern Times / Modern_Times_p_28...
Gamin caught after stealing bread loaf / Max Munn Autrey
Modern Times / Modern_Times_p_28...
Gamin caught after stealing bread loaf / Max Munn Autrey
Modern Times / Modern_Times_p_10...
Charlie at crosswalk with policeman / Max Munn Autrey
Modern Times / Modern_Times_p_28...
Gamin caught after stealing bread loaf / Max Munn Autrey