Chaplin portraits / CC_233.jpg  

Cc 233

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / mt_pub_124.jpg  

Chaplin on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / Gold_Rush_318x.jpg  

Mountain set : Chaplin shooting on location

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / Gold_Rush_224.jpg  

Mountain set : Chaplin shooting on location

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

City Lights / cl_0464.jpg  

Charles Chaplin behind the camera

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / Modern_Times_pub_...  

Chaplin directing

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

The Kid / kid_15.jpg  

Jackie and tough kid fighting

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

City Lights / City_Lights_Shoot...  

Opening scene : Charlie on statue

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / Modern_Times_PUB_...  

Chaplin on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / Gold_Rush_229.jpg  

Mountain set : Chaplin shooting on location

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

City Lights / cl_0450.jpg  

Charles Chaplin behind the camera

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Circus / Circus_732_Shooti...  

Charlie sits down on box and starts to walk away

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Misc / how_to_make_movie...  

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / Modern_Times_331_...  

modern times 331 shooting

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / Modern_Times_118.jpg  

Chaplin on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_pub_36_hi_res_...  

Courtyard interior : Hannah in window hits a storm trooper with a pan

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_136.jpg  

Charles Chaplin with Tramp costume on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_633.jpg  

Chaplin in street clothes on New Year's Eve set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_pub_26.jpg  

Charles Chaplin behind the camera

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / Gold_Rush_294.jpg  

Mountain set : Chaplin shooting on location

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / Gold_Rush_795.jpg  

Mining town : exterior by Elizaroff Photos

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Circus / Circus_354.jpg  

Charlie in lion's cage

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_488.jpg  

Cabin set on stage

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / mt_pub_87.jpg  

Chaplin directing

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_892.jpg  

Officers' tent

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_128.jpg  

Charles Chaplin with Tramp costume on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Circus / cir_0360.jpg  

Charles Chaplin at the camera

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Misc / how_to_make_movie...  

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Well Known People / x2.jpg  

Douglas Fairbanks and Charles Chaplin on the set of "The Circus"

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / Modern_Times_p_26...  

Chaplin behind the camera directing the actors

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / Modern_Times_pub_...  

Chaplin directing

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / Gold_Rush_145.jpg  

Chaplin and Lita Grey on location

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Circus / cir_469.jpg  

Charles Chaplin sitting near the camera

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

A king in New York / af1_0003.jpg  

Charles Chaplin on the photo shoot set / Unknown

©Roy Export SAS