The Kid / The_Kid_9-hd.jpg  

the kid 9-hd

©Roy Export SAS

City Lights / cl_191.jpg  

River embankment : the Tramp asleep on steps

©Roy Export SAS

Dog's Life / adl_pub_2.jpg  

Charles Chaplin and Mut the dog

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

The Kid / CC_kid_9_NEG.jpg  

CC kid 9 NEG

©Roy Export SAS

Dog's Life / Dog_s_Life_62.jpg  

dog s life 62

©Roy Export SAS

Chaplin portraits / CC_10.jpg  

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Dog's Life / Dog_s_Life_19.jpg  

dog s life 19

©Roy Export SAS

The Kid / The_Kid_6.jpg  

the kid 6

©Roy Export SAS

The Kid / CC_kid_39_NEG.jpg  

CC kid 39 NEG

©Roy Export SAS

The Kid / CC_kid_album14-1_...  

Charlie Chaplin and Jackie Coogan, sitting on steps

©Roy Export SAS

Chaplin portraits / cc_0134.jpg  

Charles Chaplin on the steps of a London house


Well Known People / x261.jpg  

Charles Chaplin and Edgar Neville sitting on a step on the "City Lights" set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

City Lights / cl_30.jpg  

River embankment : the Tramp asleep on steps

©Roy Export SAS

City Lights / cl_0357.jpg  

River embankment : Charlie asleep on steps

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / 077_10.jpg  

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Dog's Life / CC_adl_62x_NEG.jpg  

CC adl 62x NEG

©Roy Export SAS

Dog's Life / CC_adl_pub_2_NEG.jpg  

CC adl pub 2 NEG

©Roy Export SAS

Dog's Life / 109_19.jpg  

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Well Known People / x260.jpg  

Charles Chaplin and Edgar Neville sitting on a step on the "City Lights" set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.