Chaplin portraits / Little_Tramp_lean...  

Little Tramp publicity still

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / CC_cc_117.jpg  

Charles Chaplin as the Tramp

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / CC_233.jpg  

Cc 233

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / CC_cc_Z0104_harts...  

Tramp portrait by Hartsook

©Hartsook Photo*

Chaplin portraits / CC_110.jpg  

cc 110

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / cc_121.jpg  

Charles Chaplin, 1917

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / cc_0016.jpg  

Charles Chaplin as the Tramp / Witzel


Chaplin portraits / CC_cc_115.jpg  

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / CC_222.jpg  

Charlie's shoes, cane and hat

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / Photo_32-1.jpg  

Charles Chaplin as the Tramp / Hartsook photo

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / CC_cc_Z0103_harts...  

Tramp portrait by Hartsook

©Hartsook Photo*

Chaplin portraits / cc_105_800_dpi.jpg  

cc 105

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / cc_0012.jpg  

Charles Chaplin as the Tramp reading the "Judge's Quarterly"

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / Chaplin_portrait_...  

chaplin portrait close up

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / CC_208.jpg  

cc 208

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / Little_Tramp_port...  

Charles Chaplin as the Tramp

©Roy Export SAS

Chaplin portraits / CC_101.jpg  

cc 101

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / CC_105_high_resol...  

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / ROY138.jpg  

Charles Chaplin with three of his children: Michael, Josephine and Eugene

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / CC_cc_111.jpg  

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / cc_97.jpg  

little tramp with doll

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / ROY08.jpg  

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / CC_104.jpg  

cc 104

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / CC_12A.jpg  

Charles Chaplin / Edward Steichen

©Edward Steichen

Chaplin portraits / cc_15a.jpg  

Charles Chaplin / Wilson

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / CC_107.jpg  

cc 107

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / ROY83.jpeg  

Charles Chaplin Senior, Father of Charlie

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / CC_112.jpg  

cc 112

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / cc_0015.jpg  

Charles Chaplin as the Tramp / Witzel


Chaplin portraits / cc_45.jpg  

cc 45

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / CC_cc_Z0105_harts...  

Tramp portrait by Hartsook

©Hartsook Photo*