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Charlie and the Girl sitting near wagon
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Tent interior
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Merna Kennedy wearing a costume for "Sea Gull"
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Charlie and the Girl walking around meeting Rex
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Harry Crocker, Henry Bergman, Rollie Totheroh, Mark Marlatt, George Davis, Stanley J. Sanford, Be...
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The Girl and Charlie sitting on box, waiting for Charlie to do the tight-rope act
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Tight rope sequence with monkeys - close up
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Tight rope sequence
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Charlie, The Girl and Rex at diner's
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Charlie before tightrope act
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Charlie watching Rex and the Girl talking
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Merna Kennedy in a tutu
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Main entrance
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The Tryout
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Merna Kennedy in the garden
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Trouble with the Property Men
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Merna Kennedy in the water
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Circus hand harnessing Charlie
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Circus interiors
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Charlie and the Girl sitting near wagon in foreground center
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Charlie and Girl sitting on bales of straw with kitten
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Merna Kennedy on the set
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Fish woman sequence
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Charlie and the Girl in front of the dressing room
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Merna Kennedy on a horse
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Charlie in chariot scene
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Merna Kennedy in plain clothes
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Merna Kennedy and Betty Morrissey near a garden swing
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Merna Kennedy wearing a lamé costume
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Merna Kennedy and a horse
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Victim recognizes his watch