Chaplin portraits / cc_0297.jpg  

Charlie Chaplin sitting in an armchair by the fire place at home. June 1955

©Jean Mangeot

Chaplin portraits / cc_0277.jpg  

cc 0277

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / CC_cc_107_NEG.jpg  

CC cc 107 NEG

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / CC_cc_115_NEG.jpg  

CC cc 115 NEG

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Shoulder Arms / Shoulder_Arms_001...  


©Roy Export SAS

Mutual photos / mutual_0050.jpg  

Charles Chaplin as the fireman

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Mutual photos / the_cure_mutual.jpg  

The drunkard at the spa

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Mutual photos / mutual_78_1.jpg  

The tramp working as a waiter gives the bill to Mr. Stout

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Circus / Circus_Rope_scene...  

Tight rope sequence

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Circus / Circus_354.jpg  

Charlie in lion's cage

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Circus / Studio_Fire_Circu...  

Set inspection after the fire

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Misc / misc_0033.jpg  

Entrance of the Lambeth Workhouse on Renfrew Road

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Well Known People / x21.jpg  

Charles Chaplin and Helen Keller on the set of Sunnyside

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Travelling / trav_0145.jpg  

Charles and Oona Chaplin at dinner

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Travelling / trav_0315.jpg  

Charles and Sydney Chaplin, Kono, Mrs. Haruko Mogi and Shioyoshi, captain of the Suwamaru, wearin...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Karno / karno_0067.jpg  

Alfred e Amy Reeves, Muriel Palmer e Charles Chaplin sul ponte di una nave accarezzano un cucciol...

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Karno / karno_0032.jpg  

The Fred Karno company on a double-deck vehicle

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Hannah / hannah_cc174.jpg  

Hannah and Charles Chaplin

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / Modern_Times_95.jpg  

Charlie and Gamin outside House with policeman

©Roy Export SAS

Modern Times / mt_11.jpg  

Charlie goes mad around the factory

©Roy Export SAS

Modern Times / Modern_Times_p_32...  

End of picture

©Roy Export SAS

Modern Times / mt_0365.jpg  

Mechanic caught in the machinery

©Roy Export SAS

A king in New York / af1_26.jpg  

a king in nyc 26

©Roy Export SAS

Limelight / Limelight_15.jpg  

Charlie Chaplin, clown with violin

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

City Lights / City_Lights_31.jpg  

River embankment : the Tramp, the Millionaire and the Policeman

©Roy Export SAS

City Lights / cl_34.jpg  

River Embankment : Charlie smells a flower

©Roy Export SAS

The Kid / The_Kid_23.jpg  

Flirtatious angel and Tramp at "Price is love"

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

The Kid / kid_0026.jpg  

Orphanage Asylum wagon : Charlie and Jackie

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / gd_p_50.jpg  

Barber shop interior : Hannah on the barber chair. Barber doing her hair

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / gd_p_97.jpg  

Roof chase : the Jewish barber falls into the skylight

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / gd_p_144.jpg  

Hynkel's speech

©Roy Export SAS

Gold Rush / Gold_Rush_68.jpg  

Cabin Interior : Big Jim threatens Charlie with knife

©Roy Export SAS

Gold Rush / Gold_Rush_518.jpg  

Dance Hall interior : Charlie and Georgia on dance floor

©Roy Export SAS

Gold Rush / gr_244.jpg  

Chaplin on Chicken sequence set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / gr_488.jpg  

Cabin set on stage

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / chaplin_family_ma...  

chaplin family manoir de ban

©Roy Export Company Ltd.