Chaplin portraits / cc_0006.jpg  

Charlie's moustache, shoes, crane and hat

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / CC_karno_21.jpg  

Cc Karno 21

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

The Pilgrim / pilgrim_23.jpg  

The service

©Roy Export SAS

Mutual photos / The_Immigrant_Cha...  

The tramp on the deck of the ship with the emigrant and her mother

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Circus / Circus_73.jpg  

Tight rope sequence with monkeys

©Roy Export SAS

Circus / Circus_307.jpg  

Charlie cleaning Magician's table

©Roy Export SAS

Circus / Circus_426.jpg  

Charlie and Fat Clown in dressing tent

©Roy Export SAS

Misc / cinema_facade.jpg  

cinema facade

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Essanays / essanay.jpg  

Chas. Chaplin with Essanay Company, Western Division, Niles CA

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Well Known People / x96.jpg  

Charles Chaplin boxing with Mack Swain under the guidance of Kid McCoy

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Well Known People / x0142.jpg  

Charles Chaplin, and Roscoe Arbuckle after fishing a swordfish

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Well Known People / x103.jpg  

Charles Chaplin and Lita Grey sign the contract for "The Gold Rush"

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Music / music_0002.jpg  

Charles Chaplin plays the cello / Max Munn Autrey, Charles Chaplin Studios


Music / music_x303.jpg  

Charlie conducts Abe Lyman Orchestra at Chaplin Studios, circa 1924

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Karno / karno_0002.jpg  

Group of pupils from the school attended by Charles Chaplin, Hanwell School, 1897

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Hannah / Chaplin_s_mother_...  

Hannah Chaplin in stage costume

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Modern Times / Modern_Times_p_32...  

End of picture

©Roy Export SAS

Modern Times / Modern_Times_p_14...  

Charlie and Mechanic on top of machinery / Max Munn Autrey

©Roy Export SAS

Modern Times / Modern_Times_p_14...  

Charlie and Mechanic on top of machinery / Max Munn Autrey

©Roy Export SAS

Modern Times / mt_pub_88.jpg  

Chaplin directs in costume

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Modern Times / mt_0149.jpg  

Great World Theatre, Hong Kong, 1950s

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Limelight / lime_409.jpg  

Calvero removing makeup in dressing room

©Roy Export SAS

City Lights / cl_83.jpg  

Fight club : Charlie carrying bucket

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

City Lights / cl_183.jpg  

Blind Girl's home exterior : Charlie and the Blind Girl

©Roy Export SAS

City Lights / cl_0578.jpg  

Outside the Los Angeles Theatre after the World premiere of City Lights

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

The Kid / kid_0019.jpg  

Jackie Coogan and Charles Chaplin on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

The Kid / kid_151.jpg  

Charlie's house interior : Doctor at the table, asks Charlie question

©Roy Export SAS

The Kid / adl_0001.jpg  

Charles Chaplin and dog, Kid set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_pub_105.jpg  

Charles Chaplin on the set with raised arms

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Gold Rush / Gold_Rush_in_hut_...  

Interior Cabin : Charlie, Big Jim and Black Larsen

©Roy Export SAS

Gold Rush / Gold_Rush_69.jpg  

Cabin Interior : Big Jim threatens Charlie with knife

©Roy Export SAS

Gold Rush / c4_gr_still01_00.jpg  

Cabin interior : Charlie Chaplin eating his shoe

©Roy Export SAS

Chaplin portraits / CC_114.jpg  

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Chaplin portraits / Chaplin_Portrait_...  

Charles Chaplin / Underwood & Underwood Studios

©Underwood & Underwood Studios*