Modern Times / Modern_Times_p_32...
End of picture
Modern Times / Modern_Times_168.jpg
Department store : Gamin putting on skates / Max Munn Autrey
Modern Times / mt_p_25.jpg
Charlie with wrenches ; Charlie with wrenches and stenographer / Max Munn Autrey
A king in New York / af1_113.jpg
King Shahdov dances in the bathroom / Unknown
City Lights / City_Lights_164.jpg
Millionaire's living room : the party
The Kid / Dogs_life_or_The_...
In the streets : Policeman and Charlie
The Kid / The_Kid_98.jpg
Charlie and baby sit down on curb
The Kid / kid_158.jpg
Charlie's attic exterior : Charlie and Policeman over roof. Rooftop chase
The Kid / kid_0043.jpg
Charlie's attic interior : Charlie and Jackie eating pancakes
Great Dictator / gd_p_143.jpg
Hynkel's speech
Gold Rush / gr_7.jpg
Interior Cabin : Charlie, Big Jim and Black Larsen draw lots
Monsieur Verdoux / mv_p_20.jpg
Thelma's villa : Postman comes with letter
Chaplin portraits / CC_53.jpg
Charles Chaplin with bow tie
Chaplin portraits / Charles_Chaplin_p...
Charles Chaplin / Abbe
Chaplin portraits / CC_219.jpg
Tramp costume
Chaplin portraits / CC_cc_104_NEG.jpg
CC cc 104 NEG
Chaplin portraits / CC_cc_113_NEG.jpg
CC cc 113 NEG
Circus / Circus_160.jpg
Circus 160
Circus / Circus_215.jpg
Charles Chaplin in the middle of the circus ring
Circus / Circus_31.jpg
Tight rope sequence with monkeys
Circus / Circus_732_Shooti...
Charlie sits down on box and starts to walk away
Misc / how_to_make_movie...
Modern Times / Modern_Times_310.jpg
Chaplin on street set in front of pawn shop
Modern Times / Modern_Times_331_...
modern times 331 shooting
Limelight / Limelight_49.jpg
Calvero as the Animal Trainer
City Lights / City_Lights_Last_...
city lights last scene
City Lights / cl_105.jpg
Charlie standing at fountain
The Kid / kid_0004.jpg
Big brother and Charlie watching fight
The Kid / CC_kid_36_NEG.jpg
CC kid 36 NEG
The Kid / kid_0026.jpg
Orphanage Asylum wagon : Charlie and Jackie
Great Dictator / gd_p_240bis.jpg
Globe scene
Chaplin portraits / cc_188.jpg
Charles Chaplin as the Tramp eating ice cream
Chaplin portraits / Chaplin_portrait_...
Charles Chaplin / Sussman Photo Studio
Chaplin portraits / Charlie_Chaplin_5...
Charles Chaplin / Homer Peyton ; Strauss - Peyton
Chaplin portraits / charles_chaplin_a...