Mutual photos / mutual_0123.jpg  

Sydney and Charles Chaplin in the days when Syd was actively managing his brother's affairs

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Travelling / trav_0315.jpg  

Charles and Sydney Chaplin, Kono, Mrs. Haruko Mogi and Shioyoshi, captain of the Suwamaru, wearin...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Sydney Chaplin / sydney_chaplin_at...  

Sydney Chaplin At Chaplin Studios

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Travelling / trav_0319.jpg  

Charles and Sydney Chaplin attending a tea party / K. Nanasawa Photostudio

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

The Studios / studios_0027.jpg  

Building Studios

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Travelling / trav_3526.jpg  

Charles e Sydney Chaplin per le strade innevate di St. Moritz

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Well Known People / x164.jpg  

Charles Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, Harry Lauder, Sydney Chaplin and Tom Vallance

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Travelling / trav_0318.jpg  

Inukai Takeru, Torachi Kono, Charles e Sydney Chaplin wearing a dark kimono, Hanacho restaurant /...

©Mitsukoshi Ltd.

Travelling / trav_0316.jpg  

Inukai Takeru Charles e Sydney Chaplin wearing a dark kimono, Hanacho restaurant / Mitsukoshi LTD

©Mitsukoshi Ltd.

Travelling / trav_0314.jpg  

Charles and Sydney Chaplin, Kono and the captain of the Suwamaru ship

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

The Studios / studios_12.jpg  

Charles and Sydney Chaplin in the middle of the street

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Sydney Chaplin / syd_0175.jpg  

Sydney Chaplin / Relph & Co.

©From the archives of Roy Export Co. Ltd.

Travelling / trav_4983.jpg  

Charles e Sydney Chaplin per le strade innevate di St. Moritz

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Travelling / trav_0308.jpg  

Charles and Sydney Chaplin at the table with other people in Singapore

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Sydney Chaplin / syd_0163.jpg  

Sydney Chaplin as a child

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Travelling / trav_4982.jpg  

Charles e Sydney Chaplin per le strade innevate di St. Moritz

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Travelling / trav_3525.jpg  

Charles e Sydney Chaplin per le strade innevate di St. Moritz

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

The Studios / how_to_make_movie...  

Charlie Chaplin, left, during building of Chaplin Studios. 2nd left-right, John Jasper, Henry Ber...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

The Bond / CC_sa_bond_27x_NE...  

CC sa bond 27x NEG

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Pay Day / pd_0008.jpg  

Charles Chaplin with drunkard on the street

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / gd_pub_120.jpg  

Charles Chaplin plays with Francesca Santoro on set of the ghetto

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Shoulder Arms / sa_22bis.jpg  

sa 22bis

©Roy Export SAS

Sydney Chaplin / syd_0176.jpg  

Sydney Chaplin / Relph & Co

©Relph & Co*

Sydney Chaplin / syd_0205.jpg  

Sydney Chaplin / Curtis

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Sydney Chaplin / syd_0004.jpg  

"King, Queen, Joker" : inside the barber's salon

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Well Known People / x396.jpg  

Charles Chaplin, Sydney Chaplin and Benny Leonard


Well Known People / x347.jpg  

Charles Chaplin, Sydney Chaplin and Olga Petrova

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Well Known People / x298.jpg  

Charles Chaplin and Sydney Chaplin dressed as the main character of "Charley's Aunt"

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Travelling / trav_0303.jpg  

Charles Chaplin, Kono and Sydney Chaplin, Il Cairo / Photo Massraff


Travelling / trav_0301.jpg  

Charles Chaplin, Kono and Sydney Chaplin, Il Cairo / Photo Massraff


Travelling / trav_0298.jpg  

Charles Chaplin, Sydney Chaplin and Kono on board of the "Suwa Maru" / Fotografia Carbone e Danno

©Carbone E Danno

Travelling / trav_4493.jpg  

Sydney Chaplin e May Reeves a St. Moritz nei pressi di una statua di neve raffigurante Charlot

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Travelling / trav_0302.jpg  

Charles Chaplin, Kono and Sydney Chaplin, Il Cairo / Photo Massraff


Travelling / trav_0324.jpg  

Charles and Sydney Chaplin talking to a tall man with dark hair on the deck of a ship

©Roy Export Company Ltd.