Great Dictator / gd_0053.jpg  

Paulette Goddard on the set with her hairdresser

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_pub_32.jpg  

Charles Chaplin behind the camera

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_pub_68.jpg  

Charles Chaplin as Hynkel

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_0054.jpg  

Henry Bergman on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_0104.jpg  

Barber shop interior : Hannah on the barber chair

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_p_208.jpg  

Ballroom scene : Hynkel and Mrs. Napaloni dancing

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / gd_0102.jpg  

Plane cockpit : flying shots

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_pub_151.jpg  

Hannah puts hand on Jewish barber's mouth / Max Munn Autrey

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / gd_pub_56.jpg  

Charles Chaplin dressed as Hynkel

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / dictator.Output00...  

Freeze frame of The Great Dictator coulour footage filmed by Sydney Chaplin in 1939. Rollie Toth...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / dictator.Output00...  

Freeze frame of The Great Dictator coulour footage filmed by Sydney Chaplin in 1939.

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / dictator.Output00...  

Freeze frame of The Great Dictator coulour footage filmed by Sydney Chaplin in 1939. Dan James ...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / ROY61.jpg  

Screen capture: Final speech from The Great Dictator

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / ROY64.jpg  

Screen capture: Final speech from The Great Dictator

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / ROY67.jpg  

Screen capture: Final speech from The Great Dictator

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / gd_p_160.jpg  

Hynkel?s office : Hynkel dictating letter to stenographer

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / Great_Dictator__1...  

great dictator 109

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_pub_107.jpg  

Charles Chaplin on the set with raised arms

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_p_46.jpg  

Barber shop interior : Hannah scrubbing floor

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / gd_p_177.jpg  

Globe scene : Hynkel climbs curtain ; Globe scene : Hynkel on curtain

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / gd_p_241bis.jpg  

Globe scene

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / gd_0112.jpg  

Charles Chaplin posing as Hynkel

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_0114.jpg  

Charles Chaplin posing as Hynkel

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_pub_171.jpg  

Charles Chaplin with Meredith Willson, July 19th 1940

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_pub_47.jpg  

Jack Oakie poses as Napaloni

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_pub_16.jpg  

Charles Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks and Reginald Gardiner on the set

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_0113.jpg  

Charles Chaplin posing as Hynkel

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_pub_97.jpg  

Charles Chaplin on the set with raised arms

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_pub_30.jpg  

Charles Chaplin behind the camera

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_p_99.jpg  

Roof chase : the Jewish barber falls into the skylight

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / gd_0135.jpg  

Jewish barber in prison camp reading Hannah's letter

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / gd_p_244bis.jpg  

Globe scene

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / dictator.Output00...  

Freeze frame of The Great Dictator coulour footage filmed by Sydney Chaplin in 1939. Reginald G...

©Roy Export Company Ltd.

Great Dictator / Great_Dictator_48...  

Barber shop interior : Hannah scrubbing floor

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / Great_Dictator_6.jpg  

Courtyard interior : Hannah and the Jewish barber go out for the evening

©Roy Export SAS

Great Dictator / gd_p_81.jpg  

The Jewish barber, Hannah and Jaeckel on the roof

©Roy Export SAS