Ghetto street : the Jewish barber and Hanna walk up to the street corner to the lucky button sale...
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Paulette Goddard and Charles Chaplin on the set taking a break / Max Munn Autrey
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Charles Chaplin and Paulette Goddard in various poses at the villa
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The Jewish barber and Hannah in the courtyard on the ghetto set / Max Munn Autrey
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Charles Chaplin and Paulette Goddard in various poses at the villa
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Paulette Goddard at the window on the ghetto street set / Max Munn Autrey
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Charles Chaplin and Paulette Goddard in various poses at the villa
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Paulette Goddard at the window on the ghetto street set / Max Munn Autrey
Ghetto street : Hannah and the Jewish barber go out for the evening / Max Munn Autrey